Little Fawn

Finding Identity in No Identity Jennifer Godbold has spent her entire life on a quest to find identity, and sense of self as an adopted child. The daughter of a Vietnamese woman, and an unnamed American soldier, she was brought to the United States during the Vietnam War. She was adopted by a southern family … Continue reading Little Fawn

Brennan’s Message to Society, Or The Future. Whoever Listens First…

Interview a kid they said. It’ll be fun they said. I finally faced the dreaded “slow journalism week” and had no leads to any newsworthy events or updates to existing stories. In desperation I found myself asking friends for suggestions only to receive one, interview a kid, and see what they have to say to … Continue reading Brennan’s Message to Society, Or The Future. Whoever Listens First…

“Oh Henry”

SC Onward Continues It’s Weekly Protests Two weeks ago, Gary Votour braved the cold mixture of sleet and rain, honoring his commitment to be at the State House in a show of support for repealing South Carolina’s Heritage Act. The weather discouraged participants, but did not dampen Votour and his group SC Onward’s perseverance. “We … Continue reading “Oh Henry”