SC District Two’s Problem With “Fake Democrats”

By: Heather Marie Blazek, Columbia, South Carolina. Progressive voters headed to the polls Tuesday for South Carolina’s Primary election. In an overwhelming show of support, James Smith took the helm as the Democratic candidate for governor. Smith, most notably has received high-level endorsements including former Vice President Joe Biden. Trump endorsed Republican Henry McMaster moves forward to … Continue reading SC District Two’s Problem With “Fake Democrats”

South Carolina Progressives Want to Unseat Joe Wilson

Liberals Determined To Take Down Joe Wilson By Heather Marie Blazek, Columbia, SC “It’s like an unfunny joke, that somehow became serious.” Kevin Land remarks as he remembers Clinton’s loss to Trump. Land, a call center employee, expressed concern that the current administration appears focused on erasing the legacy of President Obama. “It’s the constant … Continue reading South Carolina Progressives Want to Unseat Joe Wilson

“Oh Henry”

SC Onward Continues It’s Weekly Protests Two weeks ago, Gary Votour braved the cold mixture of sleet and rain, honoring his commitment to be at the State House in a show of support for repealing South Carolina’s Heritage Act. The weather discouraged participants, but did not dampen Votour and his group SC Onward’s perseverance. “We … Continue reading “Oh Henry”

The Statues of South Carolina

To Add Or Subtract – The Debate of Confederate Monuments Republicans Bill Chumley and Mike Burns of South Carolina, want to build a monument to honor African American Confederate veterans.  While most states are debating the removal of Confederate monuments, both representatives wish to build another. Walter Edgar, a former director of the Institute for … Continue reading The Statues of South Carolina