South Carolina Progressives Want to Unseat Joe Wilson

Liberals Determined To Take Down Joe Wilson By Heather Marie Blazek, Columbia, SC “It’s like an unfunny joke, that somehow became serious.” Kevin Land remarks as he remembers Clinton’s loss to Trump. Land, a call center employee, expressed concern that the current administration appears focused on erasing the legacy of President Obama. “It’s the constant … Continue reading South Carolina Progressives Want to Unseat Joe Wilson

Brennan’s Message to Society, Or The Future. Whoever Listens First…

Interview a kid they said. It’ll be fun they said. I finally faced the dreaded “slow journalism week” and had no leads to any newsworthy events or updates to existing stories. In desperation I found myself asking friends for suggestions only to receive one, interview a kid, and see what they have to say to … Continue reading Brennan’s Message to Society, Or The Future. Whoever Listens First…

The Statues of South Carolina

To Add Or Subtract – The Debate of Confederate Monuments Republicans Bill Chumley and Mike Burns of South Carolina, want to build a monument to honor African American Confederate veterans.  While most states are debating the removal of Confederate monuments, both representatives wish to build another. Walter Edgar, a former director of the Institute for … Continue reading The Statues of South Carolina

Girl Interrupted

Help Me “Help me,” was the last text message Cassidy White’s boss received. Concerned that she left work early after receiving texts from her ex-boyfriend, he wanted to be sure his employee was safe and sound. Cassidy had planned a night of blowing off steam in 5 Points by drinking. What he didn’t anticipate is that Cassidy … Continue reading Girl Interrupted